My journey

Hello there! I thought I’d start my new website and new blog with a little about my writing journey.

I’ve written forever. I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t creating something. My grandmother was a reading teacher who taught me to love the written word in preschool, and I remember wanting to know more about the minor characters in Winnie the Pooh, and creating my own story.

In school, I was constantly writing and in middle school I found a great group who wrote what is now called “bandom.” They inspired me and we’d swap chapters at recess or lunch. I wrote through high school, in to college, and all around my work life. I had a couple of serious attempts to publish, but it never quite worked out and I settled into other aspects of the publishing industry.

My husband is a great oral storyteller, and  one day, when I had little work on my plate, we just started kicking around an idea for a story, a “what if” based upon a hellish Thanksgiving travel day we’d experienced. That story was blindly submitted to the publisher I worked for, and lo and behold, it was accepted for publication. We were over the moon. We wrote three more short stories, contracted several others and then things just…stopped. The well went dry.

It took seven long years to get the one book done, and in the meantime, a lot of life had changed. My husband didn’t really want to write any more–he much prefers to play with plots and leave the physical writing to me. So, while we’ll have several jointly written books out over the next year or so, they’re older projects.

A change in job helped to boost my creativity greatly, and I’m producing more words than I ever thought possible. Please check the WIPs page for more information on upcoming projects.


Happy reading!